Friday, August 21, 2009


1. I think I should find my other characteristics and I should find the real me. I know I'm not a perfect person but I know to my self that I have more positive characteristics than negative characteristics.

2. A. How would I like to be treated by Others:
  • When I give wrong answers during recitation, I want my teachers to correct my mistakes so I will able to make it correct.
  • When I'm explaining my opinion during class or group discussion, I want my classmates to listen to me and react if I'm still making sense and react if I made a mistake about what I am saying.
  • When I'm giving suggestions during group work or presentation, I want my classmates to listen and cooperate with me.
  • When I commit mistakes I want them to say that what I did is wrong so that I will be able not to do it again and to correct the mistakes I commit.
  • When I don't like doing what they ask me to do, I want them to give me freedom to do what I want.
  • When they want to give me their comments and suggestions, I'm ready to be approached and hear what they want to say.
2. B. I promise to myself that I will show my real attitudes, I will respect them always and I will do my responsibilities as a student.



When I was in 2nd year high school I experienced a negative peer pressure. My friends pressured me to court a girl even though I know to myself that I already have a girlfriend. At first I ignore them but after few days I accept to court the girl. After I do that, I felt sad and sorry for what I made because I knew that what I did is wrong. From that experience I learned that the best thing to do is to follow your own decision not what the others says because they might be bring you to wrong doings. So it is best to follow what your decision is and what your heart says.



After I reviewed my personal health assessment, I found out that I'm in good health. That's why I should maintain it. I will avoid the harmful things that can affect to maintain my good health. For example are smoking, drinking alcohol and eating junk foods. And I should have also a balance diet and regular exercise to be able to maintain my good health.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009



For me a responsible person is someone who is capable of acting rationally. He does any assigned task with dedication. He devotes his time and effort in everything he does.


a. At home, my responsibilities are:

- to take care of my siblings when our parents are not in our house.
- to do my home works.
- to be sure that my things were neat and in proper place.

b. At school, my responsibilities are:

- to study my lessons.
- to recite when a teacher asks you a question.
- to have a high grades in all courses.
- to pass all my courses.

c. In my community, my responsibilities are:

- to help other people in need.
- to make the environment clean and green.
- to be a good example to other people.


I challenge myself to avoid cheating. I'm so happy because I were able to finish my quizzes without any help from my classmates. I realized that even though you passed, you know to yourself that you only passed because you cheated. And when I avoid cheating, I feel proud to myself because I do it myself and without any help from others. I learned that if you want to achieve something, do it by yourself and without help from others. You must do hard for you to achieve it.


1. I challenge myself to get a high score in a quiz in Mathematics and I were able to beat the challenge. I felt so happy because as we all know, Mathematics is one of the difficult subject in college, so I felt very happy and proud of myself because I'm able to get a high score in Mathematics.

I realized that if you take something seriously you can finish it correctly and sometimes you can finish it within a head of time and I also learned that having confidence and trust to yourself can help you finish your task correctly and more quickly.

2. For me the most striking scene in the movie is the melting of Glaciers. For me that is the most striking scene because if that will happen, many people will die and many countries will sink underwater. I feel afraid and sad because if that will happen many people maybe including us will die. And I think we should do something now to prevent that kind scenario, We should plant trees and stop global warming, we should reduce, re-use, and recycle, we should stop smoking, we should have proper segregation of wastes. and most of all to be sure that we can do that, we should have "unity".




5:00 am
- I woke up, fix my bed then brush my teeth.
5:15 am - I eat my breakfast.
5:25 am - 5:50 am - I go to bath and brush my teeth.
5:50 am - 6:30 am - I pack up my things, fix my hair and start walking to find a tricycle
to fetch me outside the subdivision.
6:30 am - 6:45 am - I ride a jeep and a tricycle to fetch me up to MCL.
7:00 am - 1:00 pm - STUDY....STUDY....STUDY....
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm - I hangout with my friends.
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm - I transport going back home.
3:30 pm - 3:40 pm - I change my clothes.
3:40 pm - 6:00 pm - I play computer games.
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm - I eat my dinner.
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm - I do my homework and review my lessons.
8:30 pm - 5:00 am - SLEEPING TIME....


The most challenging thing I have ever accomplished is when I challenge myself to have a guitar lesson. Since I was Grade VI, I want to play guitar so when I was in summer vacation (I'm turning 2nd year high school), my parents brought me to a music studio in Cabuyao and enrolled me to a guitar lesson for 1 month. At first I'm thinking that I cannot accomplish that because I don't have enough trust to myself but as days goes by, I saw that I'm improving my guitar lesson and I'm very happy because after 1 month, I were able to accomplish my guitar lesson. Before, We have a band but after a few weeks, we were disbanded....

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Virtue? For me virtue is the essence of the human spirit and the content of our character. Virtue, also for me, is the quality of doing what is good and avoiding what is wrong.

If I will have one outstanding virtue I want "trust" because trust is having faith in someone or something. I chose trust because I want to have positive attitude in my life, I cannot trust someone today because of what happen in my past so I chose to have the virtue trust.

If I have trust, I will become confident that the right thing will happen without trying to control it or make it happen. Even when difficult things happen, trust will help me to find gift or lesson to it.

Monday, June 29, 2009


1. During my first week of stay at MCL I was filled with mixed feelings. I was very excited to be finally in college, new stage in my life. But I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect about my professors and subjects as well. It was a new environment for me and new faces to see and meet. I was glad, nevertheless, to have new friends.

2. About my professors, they are eight in all. My professors in English and Values Education are both women. hey are kind and considerate. They teach well. I have also lady professors in Humanities and Mathematics who are both friendly and approachable. My professor in Social Science has a magnetic personality. There is no dull moment when he is in front of our class. He really knows what he is teaching. My IT professor is also friendly to his students and teaches well. And my drawing and PE professors are both kind and knowledgeable about the subjects they are teaching.

3. Our section is composed of 42 students. Therefore, there are forty-two different personalities. Some are well-behaved but there are others who are quite noisy and funny. I find some of my blockmates serious in their studies but, still, others are somewhat sleepy. (I don't know why!) But generally speaking, we are all good friends. We work together as one section. And lastly, I believe that we are all smart! (Nakzz)

4. As for my courses, I still find them quite easy, although there is really a need for me to be more serious and to be more focused in their studies. I like Social Science and Values Education because I can handle them well. On the other hand, Mathematics needs greater time to be able to understand fully. The course that most challenging for me is Humanities ( Logic) because it requires critical thinking and analysis.

5. Yes, I think there are some adjustments I am going through and must go through. First of all in my academics, I need to be more studious because my courses are more complicated and more challenging because they are in a higher level of difficulty. I need to be more independent in pursuing my courses regarding my emotions , I need to be strong. There is no room for being weak because I don't know what challenges and experiences I will meet each day so I Have to be ready always. Finally, there is really great adjustment with regards to social environment because I am now in a much bigger world, with many new acquaintances as well as new different policies to follow and obey. There are many more things to be done and accomplished.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


In Highschool I have the same classmates and teachers for the whole year, my assignments can be done at home using textbooks and other reference books, I'm less serious in studies because there are four grading periods so I have more time to recover and in terms of my attitude, I'm dependent on my parents for school needs and projects.

In College I have different classmates and professors for different terms, my assignments can be done through internet, I need to be serious in studies because of the shortness of term and more expensive, and in terms of my attitude, I should learn to be independent.

I must learn to meet and befriend to my new classmates every term. I really need to develop more my knowledge in computer - internet access, powerpoint, etc. - to be able to accomplish my assignments and research works. I also need to develop self-discipline and independence because college life is more serious, more complicated and more expensive. I think little by little, I'm making myself ready for college because I keep telling myself that I'm in another stage of my life.


I have been at Malayan Colleges Laguna (MCL) for more than a week and have gained a number of experiences. And with these new experiences - a much bigger environment; more convenient and comfortable rooms; seeing and meeting new faces both students and educators; and adapting to new school policies. I can say that I'll be able to achieve successful adjustment in college.


Values Education has been a part of the school curriculum since our elementary days. It is one way that teachers can transmit values to pupils. Thus, making explicit the values underlying the pupils' behavior and assessing the effectiveness of these values and associated behavior for their well-being.

Since childhood, I have acquired values through my parents at home and my teachers in school. Now that I'm already in college, I can say that Values Education has really worked to my advantage. It has helped me a lot in shaping my personality and well-being as a son, a student and a citizen.