Monday, June 29, 2009


1. During my first week of stay at MCL I was filled with mixed feelings. I was very excited to be finally in college, new stage in my life. But I was nervous because I didn't know what to expect about my professors and subjects as well. It was a new environment for me and new faces to see and meet. I was glad, nevertheless, to have new friends.

2. About my professors, they are eight in all. My professors in English and Values Education are both women. hey are kind and considerate. They teach well. I have also lady professors in Humanities and Mathematics who are both friendly and approachable. My professor in Social Science has a magnetic personality. There is no dull moment when he is in front of our class. He really knows what he is teaching. My IT professor is also friendly to his students and teaches well. And my drawing and PE professors are both kind and knowledgeable about the subjects they are teaching.

3. Our section is composed of 42 students. Therefore, there are forty-two different personalities. Some are well-behaved but there are others who are quite noisy and funny. I find some of my blockmates serious in their studies but, still, others are somewhat sleepy. (I don't know why!) But generally speaking, we are all good friends. We work together as one section. And lastly, I believe that we are all smart! (Nakzz)

4. As for my courses, I still find them quite easy, although there is really a need for me to be more serious and to be more focused in their studies. I like Social Science and Values Education because I can handle them well. On the other hand, Mathematics needs greater time to be able to understand fully. The course that most challenging for me is Humanities ( Logic) because it requires critical thinking and analysis.

5. Yes, I think there are some adjustments I am going through and must go through. First of all in my academics, I need to be more studious because my courses are more complicated and more challenging because they are in a higher level of difficulty. I need to be more independent in pursuing my courses regarding my emotions , I need to be strong. There is no room for being weak because I don't know what challenges and experiences I will meet each day so I Have to be ready always. Finally, there is really great adjustment with regards to social environment because I am now in a much bigger world, with many new acquaintances as well as new different policies to follow and obey. There are many more things to be done and accomplished.

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