Sunday, June 21, 2009


In Highschool I have the same classmates and teachers for the whole year, my assignments can be done at home using textbooks and other reference books, I'm less serious in studies because there are four grading periods so I have more time to recover and in terms of my attitude, I'm dependent on my parents for school needs and projects.

In College I have different classmates and professors for different terms, my assignments can be done through internet, I need to be serious in studies because of the shortness of term and more expensive, and in terms of my attitude, I should learn to be independent.

I must learn to meet and befriend to my new classmates every term. I really need to develop more my knowledge in computer - internet access, powerpoint, etc. - to be able to accomplish my assignments and research works. I also need to develop self-discipline and independence because college life is more serious, more complicated and more expensive. I think little by little, I'm making myself ready for college because I keep telling myself that I'm in another stage of my life.

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