Friday, August 21, 2009


1. I think I should find my other characteristics and I should find the real me. I know I'm not a perfect person but I know to my self that I have more positive characteristics than negative characteristics.

2. A. How would I like to be treated by Others:
  • When I give wrong answers during recitation, I want my teachers to correct my mistakes so I will able to make it correct.
  • When I'm explaining my opinion during class or group discussion, I want my classmates to listen to me and react if I'm still making sense and react if I made a mistake about what I am saying.
  • When I'm giving suggestions during group work or presentation, I want my classmates to listen and cooperate with me.
  • When I commit mistakes I want them to say that what I did is wrong so that I will be able not to do it again and to correct the mistakes I commit.
  • When I don't like doing what they ask me to do, I want them to give me freedom to do what I want.
  • When they want to give me their comments and suggestions, I'm ready to be approached and hear what they want to say.
2. B. I promise to myself that I will show my real attitudes, I will respect them always and I will do my responsibilities as a student.

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